Live Chat

I have recently added a Live Chat facility to this website.  This can be used to ask me questions about the server or your hosting.  Please click the chat icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page to start a chat session. I am only available to answer chat requests when I am…

WordPress multisite

I have installed a multisite version of WordPress on the server.  This works in a similar way to It means you can easily set up a wordpress site without the hassle of using FTP, installing wordpress, plugins, themes and so on.  It also means you have not got the responsibility of making sure the…

Security and SSL

Thanks to Certbot and Lets Encrypt, all websites can now have free secure SSL access using the https protocol.  All new websites will have this as standard.  I will transfer older websites over to SSL as required. What does this mean? A lot of website use https these days.  You can see this when you…

Server upgrade

The mserver has been upgraded to a new faster machine.  The new server has 32GB of memory, an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz CPU and a 1000Mbps Internet connection,  making it a lot faster and more capable than the old server. You can see from the System performance graphs on the right that…